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Jo Knight, Creator of The Seizure Shield

As a functional nutritionist empowered by her own epilepsy journey, Jo Knight utilised her unique skills to create The Seizure Shield. Jo specialises in helping women living with catamenial or autoimmune epilepsy to improve hormone and immune health. Addressing the inflammation associated with seizures and epilepsy.

A comprehensive approach to wellness

We passionately believe that the body should be treated as a whole and not just as individual parts or systems. The Seizure Shield approach looks to whole health, addressing nutritional status, stress, hormones, immune health, and lifestyle. Utilising nutritional therapy, labs tests, and a functional medicine approach, alongside techniques to help regulate the nervous system.

Inflammation and seizures

The immune system is capable of influencing seizures in two ways. This can be more intense for those with autoimmune epilepsy, when antibodies to the brain are produced, creating brain changes and seizure risk. However, inflammation, even without autoimmunity, has been shown to be associated with both the origin of seizures and the continuation of them.

Hormones and seizures

Many women experience a hormonal influence to their seizures, with monthly fluctuations bringing not only mood and energy changes but also anxiety and increased seizure risk. Even though this often goes undiagnosed, sex hormones have been shown to be converted in the brain to neurochemicals, producing a hormonal influence on seizures. Hormonal influences on seizures often intensify or get more unpredictable for women from their late 30s onwards, with some women only experiencing seizures for the first time in their 40s. 

Non-Epileptic seizures

Jo combines her functional medicine approach, nutritional support, HeartMath training and EFT skills, to help support women living with non-epileptic seizures. Focusing on resetting the body and nervous system, supporting both physical and emotional health. Seeing the body as a whole, not just as individual parts or systems. 

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